Hemp Oil BIO, 100 ml

from Bioflore
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The hemp oil rich in essential fatty acids has an anti-aging, revitalizing and soothes irritated skin.

Anti-aging and revitalizing hemp oil

This oil emerald green color is obtained from hemp seeds.
Specifically suitable for dry / irritated skin, wrinkled and déshydratées.Sa rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (76%) made a deep oil regeneration, firming and softening.

Hemp oil soothes irritated skin and is also used in hair mask to nourish and smooth the hair diffiles coiffer.Bonus: it penetrates very quickly and gives a sensation similar to that of a "dry oil".


Anti-aging and revitalizing oil (compensates the aggression of free radicals).


  • skin care
  • hair mask for dry, brittle or frizzy.
  • Internal Use: it is rich in essential fatty acids (omega 6 and 3) tends to harmonize cholesterol and promotes cardiovascular system. This use also allows the skin to benefit from the revitalizing action of hemp oil.


The bottle is slightly above 100 ml capacity; thus, you have room to add your essential oils directly there.


Virgin hemp oil bio after the first cold pressing.
Produced from organic agriculture - Control Bio-Be-01.

Special precautions

  • Upon first use, keep cool then see the fridge to preserve it from oxidation.
  • Never heat it (unless prior intake of vitamin E, for example for the production of a cream).


100ml bottle.

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